A Pilates Body is supple, with beautiful posture and strength from within to create simple body movements that are controlled and precise, allowing you to move with ease and grace.
Below are 5 routines to help you achieve Your Pilates Body, during Menopause, Midlife and Beyond.

Day 1 - Lengthen & Extend the Body

In this routine we are stretching the whole of the body. Starting with the upper body, and then using a chair to help us stretch out the legs and back. Suitable for beginners and the more experienced.


Discover more with a free 30 day trial of the Strong and Supple Pilates Membership. See details at the bottom of the page.

Day 2 - Upper Body Strength

This routine is ideal for you if you've being doing Pilates for a while. We're doing some variations on the plank, including in a side lying position to really help you strengthen your upper body.


Day 3 - Free your Spine from Stiffness

If you often wake up feeling tight or stiff in your back, then this short routine is ideal to loosen everything up. Bring your attention to articulating the spine during the shoulder bridge to gain that extra bit of mobility and free your spin from stiffness.


Discover more with a free 30 day trial of the Strong and Supple Pilates Membership. See details at the bottom of the page.

Day 4 - Weights and Cardio

In this session we're working with weights in standing and on the mat, with a cardio element to challenge you further. Perfect for the experience Pilates enthusiast.


Discover more with a free 30 day trial of the Strong and Supple Pilates Membership. See details at the bottom of the page.

Day 5 - Core Abdominal Workout

Get ready to give those tummy muscles an intense workout with this routine for the more advanced..


Discover more with a free 30 day trial of the Strong and Supple Pilates Membership. See details at the bottom of the page.

The Strong and Supple Pilates Membership

Redefine Ageing during Menopause, Midlife and Beyond, with my collection of 13 Mini Courses to keep your body stay strong and supple during your best years. Try them today for £12.00 per month. (Use the coupon code PILATESBODY at the checkout). Offer only available until 20th January 2024.


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